XBTerminal Ltd Apps

XBTerminal Bitcoin POS 1.5.2
The XBTerminal app allows you to easily accept Bitcoin paymentsquickly, securely with an optional guaranteed cash return. Ourunique system allows you to accept Bitcoin and the options toeither receive a guaranteed local currency return to your bank,keep the Bitcoin or a combination of the two. Our fast and securesystem implements the Bitcoin payment protocol to deliver paymentsquickly, saving time at the point of sale (subject to support inclient's Bitcoin wallet). The payment process is simple. You enterthe amount to be paid in your local currency, the app then fetchesthe Bitcoin exchange rate and displays the amount in Bitcoins. Yourcustomer may then pay with any mobile Bitcoin wallet by eithertouching their phone against yours (devices with NFC support only)or scanning a QR code. The payment is quickly validated and anelectronic receipt issued. This may be downloaded by the customervia NFC or QR code. You may customise the receipt information andhave full control of your payment process via our online merchantportal at https://xbterminal.io. We have demonstrated ourtechnologies at Bitcoin 2014 in Amsterdam, Coinsummit in the UK andalso to the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer (George Osborne). Don'tlet your business get left behind, join the Bitcoin revolutiontoday. Permissions used: - Internet. Required because the app needsto interact with our processing server to function. - NFC. Requiredbecause we allow NFC based on-touch Bitcoin payments. - Camera& mic. Camera access is required because we need to scan QRcodes from within the app. Microphone is not required, but in comesin a package with camera, so we cannot avoid it.